Cancer Work Support Service Case Study

Karen is a 62-year-old Business Development Manager who was invited for a routine mammogram in the autumn of 2022. She had a fall that injured her breast prior to her mammogram, which produced a lump. She was cautiously optimistic that this lump merely resulted from

AVIVA Group Income Protection Case Study

We're proud that our work with Alex, referred to Working To Wellbeing by Aviva through her work's GIP scheme was the subject of a case study filmed and published by Aviva. To watch the whole case study, click on the thumbnail below or alternatively, download the

Long Covid Work Support Service Case Study

Recognising the struggle Richard, a 44-year-old man, living with his wife and four children, was working as a component design engineer when in April 2022 he contracted COVID-19. Initially he only experienced minor symptoms which he described as a ‘heavy cold’ and went back to life



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